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Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Benefits of Blueberry Juice in Pakistan

Little Touch Blueberry History:

Today, blueberries have soared in popularity. In 1974, the USDA declared July “National Blueberry Month,” and in 2003, New Jersey chose the blueberry as its official state berry. By 2012, blueberries were found in nearly 4,000 products, including foods, cosmetics and pet products.
blueberries remain one of the most nutritious, antioxidant-rich types of fruit in the world and have been shown to do everything from enhance brain health to keep your heart strong. Plus, in addition to the long list of health benefits of blueberries, these fruits are also super sweet, low-calorie and delicious.

Green World Blueberry Juice Available in Pakistan:

Blueberries are a summer favorite. Blueberry juice and blueberries impart some of the same vitamins and minerals, but if optimal nutrition and weight loss is your goal.
It contains anthocyanin of small molecules extracted by low temperature and high interpenetration technology, add with materials of vitamin C, American cherry extract which is rich in Vitamin C and diet fiber, can participate in the synthesis of immune protein, boost the vitality of white blood cells and phagocytic cells, can help promote human body immunity, relieve fatigue and stress, reduce the damage of ultraviolet radiation and oxygen to lentils, then to prevent cataracts and cancer, ease punctum, protect liver, prevent scurvy, help heal wound, boost form of collagen, make the skin smooth and elastic, thus it is excellent supplement for skin.


Blackberry Extract  5% , Raspberry Extract 10% , American Cherry Powder 35% ,    Blueberry Extract 50% .

Attributes & Benefits of Blueberry:

Benefits of Blueberries for your Heart and Brain.
Blueberries are full of Vitamins, Minerals and Fiber.
Blueberries are shown to Reduce Belly-fat, Provide a Trimmer Waistline and Improve Insulin Levels.
Blueberries have Cancer and Disease Fighting Antioxidants.
Relieves eye asthenopia, and improves eyesight.
Protects the liver.
Enhances beauty.
Alleviate Inflammation.

Help Fight Cancer:

Recent research has unearthed some impressive findings on the ability of blueberries to protect against certain types of cancer.

Boost Brain Health:

A massive health benefits of blueberries its ability to increase brain health. There have been many studies suggesting that eating blueberries could better memory and acknowledgment.

Blueberry Promote Heart Health:

There’s no doubt that a healthy heart is a key part of overall health. Your heart is responsible for pumping blood through the body to provide your tissues with the oxygen and nutrients needed to thrive and survive.

Recommended for:

People of all age groups, especially 

•    People with chronic fatigue
•    People with liver disorders or intend to protect liver function
•    People intend to beautify or lose weight
•    People who have eye strain

Recommended Dosage:

1-2 sachets daily.

Related Product:

Key Knowledge:

American Cherry: 

American cherry contains high amount of iron which is 20-30 times that of apples. The melatonin constituent doubles the anti-aging effects. American cherry is rich in protein, vitamin A, B, C, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and iron etc. It is low in calorie and high in fibre.

Raspberry Extract:

Raspberry originates from Europe and America. It contains high protein, organic acids, vitamin C, salicylic acid and other nutritious elements. Long-time taking of raspberry can protect the heart, prevent hypertension, atherosclerosis, and stroke. Raspberry is the richest source of ellagic acid, which can inhibit cancer cells. Raspberry is called “Fruit for the Rich” by Europeans and Americans for its nutritious value.

American Blackberry Extract:

contains 17 amino acids and various vitamins essential to human body. The content of vitamin C is 5 times that of apples and 6 times that of grapes. What important is that blackberry contains rich SOD and acids which have anti-aging effects. Long-term taking of blackberry can promote longevity and delay aging. It enjoys great popularity in the world with another name – “Fruit of Life”.

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